Working with the Bradford based performance company 'Slung Low' is an amazing experience. I should know, I did it last year.
Well I've come back for a second helping, but this time I'm being a part of the 'creative team', so I won't actually be taking part in the actual performance, rather assisting the 'group directors'.
Awesome stuff.
Company director Alan Lane gave his usual pep-talk, introducing his 'crew' of creative geniuses, this year consisting of Lucy Hind, Richard Warburton, Ben Eaton, and.... and.... meh, I forget. Will find out tomorrow. For individual biographies of company members, click here.
Edit: Matt Angove and Heather Fenoughty are the other team members.
Unlike previous years, Slung Low arrived with a three scripts already prepared which all intertwine, cross over and weave in and out of each other. The show will be called 'Last Seen', and involves a show being hijacked by a character who makes sure the unheard stories are heard. I won't give away any more... there's nothing worse than knowing the ending to something.
I spent the day in Ben Eaton's group, helping out the group with ideas and reading through one of the three scripts, picking it apart and finding it's flaws. We trekked over the campus, looked for interesting places to make work and what places we would be able to relate back to the script.
Exciting stuff.
Don't know what group I'll be with tomorrow, but I'm gonna take some photos so you can see the sort of things we're getting up to.
Check out Slung Low on their website.
Follow me on twitter! @BenGP02
On Figuring Stuff Out
8 months ago
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